Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Navigating the Departure from Your Child's Agent or Manager

Deciding to part ways with your child's agent or manager is never easy. These are the representatives who helped guide your child's blossoming career in the entertainment industry. They celebrated the wins together and weathered the setbacks side-by-side. Ending that professional relationship is an impactful decision - one that requires careful thought and tough conversations. In this post, we'll examine the signs that it may be time to make a change, how to handle the transition with grace and professionalism. It's a challenging crossroads, but one that many families face on their journey through the world of child acting and performing.

Signs the Relationship May Need to Change

Think of your child's representation as the pilot of their career. If you're experiencing more turbulence than smooth sailing, it might be time to change the crew. Here are the flashing signals on the dashboard:

  • Audition Drought: A noticeable dip in audition invites over a long stretch? Red flag on the play.

  • Feeling Like Background Noise: If your child’s being sidelined or seems invisible, it's a concern.

  • Guidance? What Guidance?: Lack of direction or ambition from their corner can signal a misfit.

  • Ghosted: Poor communication and a lack of responses are not the new chic.

  • The Discomfort Zone: If your kid isn’t vibing with their rep, listen. It matters.

Persisting issues, despite your best diplomatic efforts, may hint it's time to scout new talent champions more aligned with your child’s needs and mojo.

The Departure Process

Leaving with grace is key in an industry where everyone knows everyone, and your next opportunity could be with someone who’s had coffee with your current agent. Here's how to bow out like a pro:

  1. Contract Homework: Dig into the termination fine print. Follow the script - give the notice as written.

  2. A Thank You Note: Gratitude goes a long way. Acknowledge their part in your child's journey.

  3. Mark the Calendar: Set a clear transition date, post which they cannot pitch for your child.

Sneaky moves to secure a new agent or manager while still under contract are a no-go. Play fair, and the industry will respect you for it.

Addressing Issues First

Deciding to part ways with your child's agent or manager is never easy. These are the representatives who helped guide your child's blossoming career in the entertainment industry. They celebrated the wins together and weathered the setbacks side-by-side. Ending that professional relationship is an impactful decision - one that requires careful thought and tough conversations.

However, not all issues warrant a permanent breakup. Sometimes, a candid discussion can rekindle the professional rapport:

  • Redefine the Relationship: Scheduling a formal meeting to revisit and redefine the working relationship can be hugely beneficial. Discuss your child's current goals, both personal and professional. Ensure you're all aligned on expectations for communication, availability, submission processes, and boundaries. Putting a refreshed roadmap in place could reignite the commitment and excitement that brought you together initially.

  • Compromise Is Key: Before deciding the situation is unfixable, explore potential compromises. Perhaps the agent agrees to give your child's career more focused attention if you're willing to be flexible on certain policies. Or maybe you ease their workload by handling some administrative tasks. Lay everything on the table and have an open discussion about adjustments each party can make to save the relationship.

  • Talk It Out: In many cases, problems stem from a simple lack of dialogue. If you feel out of the loop or that concerns aren't being heard, advocate for improved communication practices. This could involve weekly status calls, a shared portal for updates, or scheduled in-person meetings. Reestablishing reliable channels for a two-way flow of information can resolve many issues.

  • Swap Teams: If the working relationship with your current agent has becomeuntenable but you still value the agency, inquire about a lateral move. Reputable firms will often have multiple agents you could transition your child to - one who may gel better with your child's personality or specialized needs. An internal transfer allows your child to remain with a known entity while getting a fresh start.

If despite your best efforts, the relationship still sputters, it’s time to gently close this chapter.

A Fresh Start

Remember, ending a partnership isn't about closing doors but opening new ones. Stay optimistic, patient, and let this transition showcase the resilience and adaptability in your child. The perfect collaborator is just around the corner.

Scenarios Where Leaving is Advisable:

  • The Audition Desert: Months without auditions signal a mismatch in zeal or connections.

  • The Sound of Silence: Unresponsive reps break the collaborative spirit needed to thrive.

  • The Clash of Titans: A fundamental mismatch in personalities or vision can't be overlooked.

Scenarios Where Adjustments Could Save the Day:

  • Crowded House: High client volume sometimes means your child’s moment in the sun is delayed.

  • Pivot Point: Growth means change. Realigning strategies can sometimes bridge gaps.

  • Creative Differences: If it’s a matter of taste, try to find a middle ground.

Example Written Notice:

Dear [Rep Name],

As per [child's name]’s contract terms, consider this the official notice terminating our agreement effective 30 days from [current date]. 

Your efforts have been a part of [child's] journey, and for that, we are thankful. This decision reflects a strategic pivot towards what we believe aligns more closely with [child's] evolving career needs.

As agreed, commissions are due for work secured up to the termination date.

Wishing you all the best,

[Your Name]

The Personal Touch

Transitioning out of a professional relationship in this sphere is never trivial - it's a testament to the transient yet impactful nature of our interactions. As someone deeply embedded in nurturing young talents, each goodbye is bittersweet, carrying the weight of shared dreams and aspirations. The decision to part, whether mutual or initiated by one party, always carries an undertone of respect for the journey shared and a hopeful gaze towards the future. It’s akin to releasing a bird you’ve helped nurture back into the wild – there’s a mix of pride and poignant longing as you watch them soar into their next adventure.

From My Perspective as a Youth Talent Manager:

In the intricate dance of managing young talents, the steps involve not just guiding their careers but becoming a part of their extended family. When the music changes and it’s time to part ways, it's an emotional pivot, akin to sending a grown child off to college. You hope you've instilled in them the resilience, wisdom, and grace to navigate their path forward. The industry's memory is indeed elephantine; how we part ways can echo longer than the tenure of the relationship itself. Professionalism, kindness, and clear communication can turn potentially awkward farewells into respectful acknowledgments of a chapter well-lived.

Corey Ralston with his client Ty Correia.

Parting with a client, particularly a young talent you’ve seen grow, is a tapestry of emotions. It’s a decision marinated in deep thought, often sleepless nights, and a genuine desire for what’s best for their trajectory. Conversely, being on the receiving end of a goodbye can stir a cocktail of emotions—disappointment, introspection, and sometimes, a renewed zeal to refine one’s approach.

However, the beauty of this industry lies in its cyclical nature. Today’s goodbye could be the precursor to a future collaboration under new circumstances. The bonds we form, the respect we foster, and the integrity with which we handle these transitions contribute to the rich tapestry of the entertainment world. They transform simple business transactions into life lessons and stories worth sharing.


As you navigate the potentially choppy waters of transitioning from one representation to another, keep your compass set on integrity, professionalism, and respect. These principles will guide you through any storm and into the calm seas of new opportunities. Always remember, each goodbye holds the promise of a new hello. The industry thrives on dynamism, and each relationship, each experience, enriches your child’s journey and your own understanding of this vibrant ecosystem.

Remember, the aim is not to sever ties but to weave a narrative of growth, learning, and mutual respect. As we embrace change, we pave the way for new stories, new successes, and the continued evolution of our journey in the entertainment industry. Let’s part ways with grace, look forward with optimism, and cherish the memories and milestones we've shared along the way


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