Extra Effort Self Tape Tips That Book

Time and time again I have noticed that truly special self tape auditions that often get the actor booked without a callback have elements that are not necessarily required but do wonders in standing out to Casting Directors and Producers. Some are even commonly frowned upon but when done right can set you apart.

Environment Setting

Taking the scene away from the standard backdrop and into a believable setting of the scene can help the actor become more believable and give casting a great clip to offer producers when done well. Even furniture props can enhance the realism of the performance and pull you into the scene.

Wardrobe Hints

It is generally frowned upon to put on a full costume in your self tape in an effort to be believed as the character. It can look silly or gimmicky and backfire. But there is power in making strong hints to an era or profession or social class with accessories, colors and styles that suggest what the costume might be.

Using Props

The use of props in auditions have failed actors over time in many, many ways. It is often very unnecessary and potentially dangerous. But when a prevalent prop can help the actor with behavior or action it can be the winning ingredient. Sometimes a clever prop can help create an unexpected strong acting choice that gets a tape noticed.

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Proximity and Angles

Often actors feel stuck to the standard self tape frame with little freedom to move around. A good self tape setup will set an actor at least 3 feet from the camera and 3 feet from the background. This area gives playing room for the actor to move and engage. Coming closer to the lens for a secret or intimate moment. Backing away in fear or creating distance to create a mood. Or thinking cinematically with creative angles that feel more like conversation shots you have seen. A close to the lens profile shot or a selfie type look.

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Remember to always produce crisp, well lit videos with excellent sound. A great technical tape with a believable performance that has a distinct character point of view will always rise to the top!


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