Let The Music Move You
Have you ever watched a scary movie without a chilling musical score? If you have, I bet it was pretty boring and not all that scary. What about a sappy, sad romantic tearjerker without a memorable theme? If there is no music swell - how would anyone expect you to cry? Am I right? Have you been to Yoga class without some zen chill mood music? I am guessing not.
Music is a powerful source that can easily influence our minds and our bodies. A well crafted score can make us want to run a race or fall asleep in a non-exisistent breeze. We listen to our favorite dance jams to get us in the mood to be social and party. We connect with our higher power through music and feel an inexplicable closeness during worship.
Television and Film would not be the same without a score. It is so effective to get the audience to dial in to the emotions that are needed to really feel the story. What is sad is that actors in these series and movies do not get the luxury of having that same soundtrack to pull them into the emotions so easily. Or do they?
I read that Johnny Depp uses headphones on set to get into character and set himself to the tone of the scene. It may not be anything like the actual score of the finished film, but it works for him. The man is a thinker. I remember the first time I tried his music trick while working on a difficult monologue. It was beyond helpful - the tone and the emotion fell right into place.
A lot of times, when preparing a scene to self tape, young actors can lose sight of the tone of the scene. They do not feel the Law & Order: SVU underscore while delivering that interrogation scene. They do not have the right amount of umpfy-energy without a sitcom theme song. They find it hard to be really scared in a scene without the impending doom of the bass notes. Our imagniation is capable of bringing an actor to any place they need to be. But the reality is, actors are in their heads a lot. They are thinking of so many things, dwelling on insecurities and picking up on every distraction. I dare you to try a little music. It goes a long way.
I am preparing to start the Child Actor 101 Youtube channel. And I jumpstarted it with some tracks I am calling “Emotional Tools For The Actor". Currently there are four tracks that use cinematic scores, paired with compelling visuals to facilitate a mindful emotional change. Listen to the Adrenaline Escape track and tell me to my face that your heart didn’t begin to race.
There is also a Sadness video, a Dramatic Change video and a Grounding, Calming video with peaceful images and ambient music to soothe and get an actor out of their own way.
Let the Music Move You.
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Emotional Tools For The Actor Playlist
Check them out! I plan to add a few more. And then begin my long over due premeire of Child Actor 101 videos and Podcasts.
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