Track Your Auditions and Expenses for FREE
If you are not keeping track of your child’s acting career activity then you are missing out on some extremely beneficial benefits. Allow me to explain and share with you the free app I use and offer useful templates.
I love data. I’m a bit of a nerd in that sense. It is so nice to be organized enough to look back at a time period and see progress or add up expenses. Even better, using collected information to network and advance your kid’s career.
Traditionally, the best way to accomplish data tracking is using spreadsheets. No offense to the die hard excel users, but I hate using them and dealing with complicated formulas. A few years ago I came across an app that has transformed my business and personal projects.
The app is Airtable and has a wide array of functionality that is very intuitive and easy to use. Best part is that the free account they offer is very robust and will be enough for the average person. You can sign up for free using this AIRTABLE LINK, and be able to support my efforts by doing so.
Free app Airtable
An easy to use database that avoids the complications of spreadsheets.
A couple years ago, I created and shared a template that parents can use to track their child’s auditions for TV, Film, Theatre and Commercial casting opportunities. Over 200 parents from Child Actor 101 have used the template to keep track of their young actor’s casting appointments and progress, while also collecting information on the Casting Directors that they are able to get in front of. Check out the AUDITION TRACKER template.
Each self tape or in-person casting opportunity your child actor has the fortune of reviving can be inputted and updated. You can use the apps filters to isolate types of auditions or casting offices they have auditioned for to inform or validate their career progress.
Simple Audition Tracker
With all the info you need to collect with the functionality to add more categories if needed.
Another simple use of this app is the financial bases they offer. For tax purposes or even curiosity, it is important to keep a running tab of the investments you have made into the advancement of your kid’s career endeavors. Upon signing up with AIRTABLE you can customize their user friendly bases. Many parents tally their expenses for travel, headshots, training, self tape equipment purchases, and more this way.
See how much the average family is spending on their child’s acting career per year in this older blog post..
Often forgotten or unknown to parent’s of young actors is the networking opportunity that is helpful to all career types. Reaching out to Industry contacts, including casting directors, can be very advantageous. Staying fresh in the minds of those decision makers is the gateway to success.
More Categories of Useful Bases
Each template is free and completely customizable.
I recommend keeping a list of those you meet and sending quarterly messages via email or social media. You can send updates on bookings, new headshots, footage or clips, or even a nice holiday greeting. Remember to always include a photo, email address and casting profile link. In the past, postcards were a way to passively network but given the fact that many offices are still operating from home, it is best to reach out electronically.