When I was a Child Actor
My Mother, Donna, was a parent of a child actor. I was that child actor. When I was nine years old I began to chase my dreams of acting beyond the local stage and on to pursuing opportunities in Television & Film.
My Mom - Donna
We lived just under three hours from the Los Angeles area and in those days (the ancient 80s and 90s) self tapes were not an option at all. We met with casting directors in their offices and sat in crowded, intimidating waiting rooms. We would carry stacks of Black and White 8x10 headshots with a resume trimmed and stapled to the back of each one. There was no email capability yet, so audition details were relayed over a phone call and sides were faxed. To say that there was inconveniently more work required to put a concerted effort into pursuing this career at this time in history is putting it lightly.
We luckily had a car phone, an unreliable, very expensive one that sat as the only mobile technology available besides pagers. We had to navigate the confusing and often traffic laden city by Thomas Guide Map pages. A sheer guess on what our potential ETA was. So there was no option to be late - pulling over to find a payphone was a hassle and usually scary.
For years, my awesome Mother, who had a full time real estate career and another Child and Husband at home as well, would somehow pull this all off. We would make that round trip six hour drive, with sometimes only four hours notice, on average three times a week. I still do not know how she made it work or how we even financially afforded it or how she manipulated the school district to let me miss that much school.
Who can forget the Yellow Umbrellas on The Grapevine
I marvel that she juggled it all - for me. And I would not take back any of the thousands of miles traveled with her. We truly bonded on the road. The conversations were deep, the games were fun, the pop music cassette tape mixes were well worn and the old time radio shows were a comfort in the night while coasting home on the 99. I am eternally grateful for everything she did and how close it made us.
It was because of my Mother that I decided to work with Youth Actors and Parents. I had lived it and learned a lot. And I believe in how precious and rewarding the journey can be. So I want to help. And beyond my own clients and students - I want to help every single kid and supportive Mom or Dad that is willing to sacrifice and invest in the future of their talented babies.