Why I always say, “The Audition is the Job”
Of the many mantras I repeat ad nauseum to young actors is one that helps focus and shape the mindset of one pursuing a career in Television & Film. A typical perception on the actor’s journey is to focus on the bookings and therefore value their progress by actually getting the job. But the reality of what it takes to actually book a job is far more complicated. I’ve written about the sheer numbers game before in posts and the incredible odds that stack up against every actor in getting that booking. Remember it is one actor who books the job and thousands who are submitted. Just getting the audition means that 90% of the actors who were submitted for that role did not.
The Audition is the Job because it takes time for casting offices to get to know and trust an actor. It can easily take 7-10 auditions with consistently good performances for a Casting Director to become really familiar with an actor. You can improve those numbers by making it a mission to stand out in your reads, but typically that is the norm. This could easily take three to five years to accomplish. Each time you get the opportunity to audition for an office and deliver quality work, you are building a reputation and relationship that will have potential huge pay-offs in the future. Your job isn’t the booking, it is being seriously prepared and charming in each interaction you are blessed to score with each casting office. Keep a journal of which offices give you more opportunities to read. You are winning if they keep you in the 10% of actors that they continually want to see.
The Audition is the Job because the booking is completely out of your hands. There is nothing an actor can do to secure a booking. Piecing together a cast is extremely complicated and a myriad of reasons ranging from credits, schedules, age, ethnicity, chemistry, type, height, etc can determine who is cast. After the callback phase it rarely is about the talent anymore. The talent is established by being invited back for the same role. Something that 97% of submitted actors did not get to do.
The Audition is the Job because it is best to audition and forget about it. On to the next opportunity. Do not save the production dates in your calendar. Do not refresh your email waiting to hear if you got a callback. Do not put weight on your value as an actor by the results of any singular audition. Sometimes, for whatever reason, an actor is just not the right type. Just because you felt amazing about your read and got stupendous feedback from casting does not automatically mean you are moving forward. The Casting Director could’ve received a directive from the producers that they only want to see kids nine years old instead of 11 and they must be Asian. What your great read did is put you on the radar of a particular office that will help and be appreciative of you in the future.
Fun Card Deck
Helping you find bold choices in every scene.
Be humble and thankful for every audition opportunity that comes your way. If you are still auditioning it means you are still employable and doing something right. The Audition is the Job because one day the phone will stop ringing. It always does. An actor may complain about the five auditions they are juggling in one week while another actor is lucky to get five auditions in a year. The job is making yourself known. By being reliable and consistently great. The job is to have magnetic charisma and build relationships wherever you go.
Make it stand out. Get Coached.
The Audition is the Job because it is the fun part. The audition is a chance to find a new character. It is the redemption you may feel you need after you bombed the other audition last week. The audition makes you feel relevant. The audition makes agents and managers excited about your progress and potential.
The Audition is the Job because it is important to treat it as such. It should be received with gratitude. It should be worked on by an actor with integrity and zeal. This audition could be your big break or it could be your last chance. It deserves respect through hard work. The audition should be a thoughtful challenge to an actor on how to bring a unique point of view to the character. A chance to make bold choices. And create confidence building knowledge that with each audition your skills and comfort level are mounting exponentially, giving you a competitive edge over the new kid in town.