Benefits of ongoing private acting coaching

You don’t need me to explain how one on one instruction has historically been the way privileged people rise to the top quickly. Name one Olympian that did not benefit from the investment of a private coach pushing them to harness their full potential. Having a trusted teacher who has total undivided attention to a student and is able to carefully adapt their lessons to their student’s individual learning style is ultimately priceless.


Often a coach is hired on a per case basis when an important obstacle or opportunity is at play, like a big audition. The stronger the student/coach relationship is; the higher level of effectiveness of their sessions that lead to success. 

Weekly private acting coaching is an investment into the skillset of an actor. It is a guarantee that an actor will get focused instruction on priority areas needing improvement. 


There is an endless amount of instruction to be done when studying acting, as you can imagine.  Each tool obtained, each new skill refined leads to leveling up to deeper work with more sophisticated material and complicated challenges. 

While in private coaching the actor starts to develop a noticeable spike in their confidence. This new found security in their skillset propels young actors to winning over casting directors in their auditions.  They have a specialized toolbelt full of new abilities to tackle scenes and make strong, creative, bold choices. 

When actors have breakthroughs in their training, which is inevitable and rewarding, it is a celebratory occasion. How exciting it is to watch a young actor bust through a wall using a powerful vulnerability they were too afraid to tap into until this breakthrough moment. 

Online Acting Classes

Acting training for kids pursuing a career in television and film.

I can attest to moments of sheer pride and joy when I see an actor surprise, even themselves, when breaking through to new heights in a scene using character development and dialed in instinctual choices. How amazing it feels for an actor to get lost in a scene because you let yourself be present and honest while performing. 

Seeing the growth snap into reality for a student is a precious reward to the process of consistent coaching. The prideful moments a coach experiences when the self tape feedback casting sends is glowing and you realize that they did this amazing thing on their own. Every callback earned  and positive comments from players in the industry given, continually validates the hard work being done in private coaching. 

Coaching is adaptable and designed just for one, individual student. Instruction changes direction on a dime and involves eye opening discussions about the craft. 

It is a safe space for total goofiness. And a safe space to prepare and be ready to tackle mature scenes before they show up announced in a casting opportunity.

A private coach not only improves skill but seeks to assist an actor in solidifying their materials, clips, monologues, audition technique and support a variety of career needs and obstacles. 

There is a trusted, respected relationship that forms a bond between actor and coach. A coach is a part of the team that exists in supporting an actor to achieve well earned success, alongside their agents, manager and parents.

Undoubtedly, some days in coaching are harsher and struggling  than other days. Some days are inspiring. And some days are relaxing and rejuvenating. Each day has a purpose and reaps noticeable gains. 

Private coaching is proven successful and an invaluable investment. It demonstrates a clear commitment to talent reps, to casting directors and to yourself, as a parent, that your actor is in it to win it and has a strong dedication to mastering their craft.  

It is a fast way to get competitive. All of my coaching students hit milestones shockingly fast. After even one session a noticeable enhancement appears. After four sessions the wheels are turning and bad habits are breaking. After six to eight sessions a serious actor emerges ready to level up.

A spark and enthusiasm and hunger is formed in young actors who train privately. It’s not just about the booking anymore. It clearly becomes about becoming the best actor they can be because the “Art” is meaningful and feels great to master. 

Audition Booster

A card deck of bold acting choices for kids auditioning for television & film.

This kind of investment will surely help in auditions. I urge all actors to seek coaching when a self tape opportunity presents itself. It is a smart choice and the lessons learned carry into future auditions. 

Find a coach that wakes up your young actor. That sparks a fire in them to explore character. And one that, at times infuriatingly, pushes their buttons and challenges them often. Ultimately allowing them to be free and vulnerable while acting. 

While weekly private coaching might not be in the budget of every family, perhaps bi-weekly or once a month might be. The consistency of being challenged and motivated is a tremendous gift to an actor chasing their dreams. 

I currently have a couple slots open for ongoing coaching clients. I can also recommend some brilliant and dedicated acting coaches that might be a perfect fit for your child actor. Email me at


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