Parents of Actors- Go look this up to see the big picture

I challenge you to go on IMDBpro and look through the rosters of every agency you can think of, at least 20.  FYI, there are 10x that amount of Agencies and Managers. 

Now, look for kids who could have potentially auditioned for a recent role your kid auditioned for.  All ethnicities. Look for kids two years younger and older than your actor as well. 

A lot of great looking kids huh? Dang.  

Some you may even recognize…

See the faces of your “competition”

It is crazy when you put faces and resumes to the equation. Many are not even shown because they have no credits. Now factor in young actors from Canada, UK, Australia and more.  And US regional offices.  And unrepresented actors.  

Starting to mount up right?   Hundreds and Thousands.  And soo many are insanely gifted and have history and credits and relationships with Casting offices.  Many hoping this part will be that big break! 

When you get callbacks, producer sessions, chemistry reads, Director Sessions and miraculous Test Deals- 

THANK YOUR LUCKY STARS for any of those wins! 

Don’t think about the sheer numbers game… think about the faces on the rosters.  The self tapes they all stressed about and paid for coaching for. The flights purchased for Callbacks. The hopeful daydreams that come, the closer and tighter the casting process gets.  

It puts things in perspective.  

Be Informed

Research the casting process. See the big picture.

Getting the audition is already a huge win and sometimes only granted to less than 10% of those that were submitted.  Each casting round reducing that number.  Completely out of your Actor’s hands. Until ONE ACTOR is chosen.  

This is a journey my friends. A marathon. An endurance challenge. A test of skill and charisma.  A lot of luck.  Some flukes. And a ton of heartbreak and rejection. 

Lift eachother up!  

Celebrate everyone’s wins! 

Be Patient. Be Prepared. Be Ready. 

Your whole life can change in weeks. Most likely it will be earned after some time. Probably after some major miles on the car,  the mounting credit card charges and your wifi data needing expanding again.  

Be Grateful. 




Actors say something underneath their auditions


The 9 steps you should take before moving to Hollywood with your child actor