Create a VISION BOARD with your kiddos to MANIFEST success and growth in 2022
Don’t be afraid to dream big for yourself and your family in 2022. There is power in setting goals and willing good fortune to you. A vision board can be the visual reminder you need in the upcoming year. I am certain that by this time next year you will be astonished when you see the positive changes and how many things came to fruition.
I was raised to be cynical and skeptical about “New Age” ideology. The whole concept of willing the universe to your own needs and wants seemed silly and magical. It wasn’t until I tried it while on vacation in 2013 by speaking first class seat upgrades over my life to get me to be onboard. My husband thought it was all ‘hokey’ too until that travel manifestation became a reality twice. I found the gateway to affirmation, humorously enough at the gateway in the airport.
No Limiting Thoughts or Behaviors Allowed in 2022!
Thinking about it in a non-magical way brought understanding to why I was able to get what I wanted. By setting my intentions to be upgraded I was mindful of the things that I could do to better my chances of a first class upgrade. I checked in for the flight the evening before. I made sure we both dressed nice to the airport. I was early at the gate and very polite and cheery to everyone I came across. While I don’t know for sure if those contributed to the upgrades, I could assume they made us stand out in a positive light.
Prepare to smash those opportunities with a coaching package!
Making a vision board is a fun, creative way to set goals and start the year off with mindful intentions. It can inspire important conversations about wants, needs, dreams and drive. It can motivate the dreamer to prepare a way for the dream to come true.
A hands on crafty approach is perfect for a rainy day and most likely makes the experience deeper and more memorable. But a digital approach is just as effective and easy to access all year long. I happen to love graphic design, so it is more satisfying to me to create a digital collage Vision Board with clip art, photos, colors and fonts.
An Example Vision Board for a Child Actor
Online Learning, Signing with a Talent Rep, Joining the Union, Booking a TV role, Mastering Crying & Laughing on Demand, Attending a Red Carpet Event, Making a Movie, Learning to Sing, Earning Money, Going to Hollywood & Improving Memorization Skills.
The craft oriented families will want to grab some scissors, glue sticks, foam boards, cork boards, magazines, markers, clip art cut out books and more to find the perfect representation of their unique goals and dreams.
Every year I make a professional and a personal Vision Board. It helps balance my mind, body & spirit. It encourages me to grow. It forces me to think about what it is important. And it motivates me to work hard while seeing a way to my desires. And every year some dreams that I thought were unattainable are already in my grasp.
Own this coming year and make 2022 the best yet.
Teach your young performers to dream big and reach for the stars!